Funny Wine Sayings SVG File
To receive the free SVG file, click the “add to cart” button above. You will then be taken through the checkout process, where you will be prompted to create a free account (no payment info is asked for.) After the check-out process is complete you will see a button prompting you to download the file.
I only keep order information for 3 months, so I recommend downloading right away and saving the pattern to your computer. Your download link is good for 5 download attempts. If you need a fresh copy you are welcome to revisit this page, renter your info and download a fresh copy. By accepting my file/pattern, you will be added to our newsletter where I share new patterns, pattern updates, recipes, and all sorts of fun stuff on an almost weekly basis. (sometimes I’ll skip a week if there is nothing new to report. 🙂 )
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